Prezi: Directors

directors wordcloudThe Apple Macs in the Media room are all named after different famous directors (mine is named Gilliam, after Terry Gilliam). However, my knowledge of directors is shockingly bad; in most cases, I’ve heard the names, but I couldn’t name a single film by them! So, in one of my study periods, I decided to find out who all these directors are…
I also made a Wordcloud consisting of the names of all the directors (because I think they’re pretty).

Research: Prezi: Analysis of Survey Data

After five days of collecting our survey data, we now have forty-five responses. Our amount of responses went up significantly after we posted the link on Facebook, showing how useful social media can be.

I then collected the results and turned them into a Prezi, to make them more comprehensible, rather than just lots of numbers on a page!

Prezi: The ’30 Day Film Challenge’ (in one day)

Day 1 – Your Favourite Film
Day 2 – Your Least Favourite Film
Day 3 – The Last Film You Saw At The Cinema
Day 4 – The First Film You Saw At The Cinema
Day 5 – The First Film You Bought On DVD
Day 6 – A Film By Your Favourite Director
Day 7 – A Film By Your Least Favourite Director
Day 8 – A Film With Your Favourite Actor
Day 9 – A Film With Your Favourite Actress
Day 10 – The Most Overrated Film You’ve Seen
Day 11 – The Most Underrated Film You’ve Seen
Day 12 – A Film You Wish More People Had Seen
Day 13 – The Last Film You Watched
Day 14 – Your Favourite Film As a Kid
Day 15 – Your Favourite Animated Movie
Day 16 – Your Favourite Foreign Language Film
Day 17 – Your Favourite Black and White Film
Day 18 – Your Favourite Biopic
Day 19 – Your Favourite Trilogy/Quadrilogy/Etc.
Day 20 – The Funniest Film You’ve Ever Seen
Day 21 – The Most Bizarre Film You’ve Ever Seen
Day 22 – The Most Depressing Film You’ve Ever Seen
Day 23 – The Most Powerful Film You’ve Ever Seen
Day 24 – The Film You Are Most Looking Forward To Seeing
Day 25 – A Movie You Could Quote Word For Word (Or Near Enough)
Day 26 – A Film So Bad It’s Good
Day 27 – Your Favourite Movie Protagonist
Day 28 – Your Favourite Movie Villain
Day 29 – Your Favourite Movie Cameo
Day 30 – A Movie That Was Filmed Where You Live (Or Close To)

Cinema_PictureI found the ’30 Day Film Challenge’ on the internet, and thought I’d do it… I feel like there are so many films I’ve missed out, and I couldn’t even answer my favourite film, but it made me think about films I’ve watched, films I’d forgotten, and films I love.

Prezi: Desert Island Discs

Having mentioned music in my past two blog posts, I’m suddenly very aware that there isn’t much music on my blog, despite how much I love it, and despite the big part it plays in my life. Music can help me regardless of what mood I’m in: it cheers me up when I’m sad, calms me down when I’m angry, and can sometimes make me a bit hyper when I’m already in a good mood.

Recently, for my German homework, I had to choose the eight songs I’d want to have on my iPod if I became stranded on a desert island. This is part of the topic ‘Musik’, which has been my favourite German topic so far! The idea is based on the radio game ‘Desert Island Discs’; this was created by Roy Plomley in 1942, and the format is simple: a radio guest is invited to choose the eight records they would take with them to a desert island (

So, to combine two subjects together, I turned my homework into a Prezi. It has English translations though, because clearly none of my media class speak German… I thought the task of choosing only eight songs was difficult, but interesting; but I hope I never end up on an island with only eight songs to listen to!

Prezi: Christmas Films!

With only a week to go until Christmas, I’m finally getting into a Christmas mood, so I’m digging out all my appalling but cute films from the back of the cupboard and watching them again, almost like a kind of tradition.
Since it’s seven days until Christmas, I’ve made a list of my favourite seven Christmas films and songs, just to get everyone else as excited as I am…

Prezi: Films I Want To Watch

Ever since I asked all of my friends to recommend a couple of films for me, I’ve had 126 films suggested to me…
Some films intrigue me more than others; for example, Django Unchained, despite being regarded as a great film, is a long, long way outside my comfort zone.
So, below is a list of the top 20 films I actually do want to watch… all of which will (hopefully) eventually end up on my blog.