Planning: Script: Draft Number 3

BLACKHAVEN-3BLACKHAVEN-4This is the third and final draft of our script. We changed this one quite a lot as we had more and more ideas…

  1. We decided on the name ‘DreamCatcher Productions’.
  2. We decided to have clips between writing – for example, a quick shot showing 439 throwing clothes into her suitcase in between the ident and ‘A DreamCatcher Production’.
  3. Although we originally thought more numbers and information in the voiceover would make it sound more official, we later decided that it actually just made it harder to follow and far too long to be read out in a slow, clear voice. The extra numbers, such as a social security number, don’t add anything important to the script. Also, just having the numbers ‘439’, and no others, highlights why everyone refers to her as Patient 439.
  4. We slightly reworded some of the voiceover to make it flow more and make it sound more professional and official.
  5. We now have the doctor cut the tag off her wrist, to make a point of the fact she is free and that she’s leaving.
  6. We no longer have the maid discovering the medication; we felt this was an extra shot which was unnecessary, as though we were trying to fit far too much in. Instead, we just show another shot of the pillow, to draw attention to it.
  7. Annoyingly, the script just runs onto two pages, but we could not edit it down more.

Preliminary Exercise – Script

This is the finished script for our group’s preliminary exercise project.
We wanted roughly five lines of dialogue, to demonstrate all the editing techniques sufficiently. We have to demonstrate match on action, the 180 degree rule, and shot/reverse shot.
To make it more interesting, we were set the task of including the word ‘bandit’.

Here is our final script:
