Research: Prezi: Analysis of Survey Data

After five days of collecting our survey data, we now have forty-five responses. Our amount of responses went up significantly after we posted the link on Facebook, showing how useful social media can be.

I then collected the results and turned them into a Prezi, to make them more comprehensible, rather than just lots of numbers on a page!

Researching our Target Audience


To find our target audience and shape our film to their requirements, I have created an online survey using SurveyMonkey to reach a wider range of people. I then shared the survey on Facebook, because social media can be a useful way of reaching people. Hopefully, with my survey on three websites, I’ll get a decent set of results.

I read some examples of other AS media surveys on Slideshare to get an idea of what I should be asking and how to set out the questions.
The questions I eventually decided on are:

fb survey

1. How old are you?
2. Are you male or female?
3. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you enjoy thrillers?
4. How often do you watch thrillers?
5. What makes you want to watch thrillers? (Select all that apply)
6. Do you enjoy complicated storylines?
7. What is your favourite subgenre within a thriller film?
8. What is your favourite thriller film and why?
9. Which other film genre do you most enjoy?